IMPORTING OR SHIPPING GOODS INTO USA? Yamato Explains How to Create a Commercial Invoice to Speed up Entry through US Customs
05.28.2020 | Category, Blog

You’re probably familiar with a Commercial Invoice if you’ve imported goods into USA before. If you’ve had a Customs Officer or Customs Broker request more information regarding your product...
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YAMATO Employee Spotlight – Tomomi Ueno, Sales, Toronto
05.26.2020 | Category, Blog

The story of Ms. Tomomi Ueno as a young and career-oriented world traveler is very inspirational. Born in a small town in Southern Japan, there were not a lot of global opportunities in such...
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YAMATO’s B2C Biz To Change With Adoption of 5G
05.12.2020 | Category, Blog

Imagine a technology so powerful that its capacity is 1,000 times greater than anything that has come before. That’s 5G, and YAMATO plans to leverage this next generation networking technolo...
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